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Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
P3064 Mississippi Coastal Cleanup Site Coordinator's Handbook Community, Environment 05-22-23
P3078 What to Do about Coliform Bacteria in Well Water MSU Extension Healthy Housing Programs, Mississippi Well Owner Network, Water Quality 09-03-24
P3077 4-H Shooting Sports: Shotgun and the Clover Clays 4-H Shooting Sports 03-05-24
P3073 Preparing for the 4-H State Invitational Shotgun Events 4-H Shooting Sports 12-08-23
P3049 Food Safety & Risk Reduction for Deer Processors Food, Food Safety, Wildlife 05-03-23
P3076 Cucurbit Downy Mildew Crops, Plant Diseases, Vegetable Gardens 06-14-24
P3056 Oil and Gas Exploration in Mississippi: Tips for Landowners Rural Development, Natural Resources, Forest Economics 04-13-17
P3067 Chilling-Hour Requirements of Fruit Crops Fruit 04-04-23
P3066 Benefits and Challenges of Reusing Broiler Litter Poultry 07-30-24
P3058 How Total Farm Water Pressure and Volume Affect Commercial Poultry Production Avian Flu 07-30-24
P3057 What Is Attacking My Pine? The Case of the Deodar Weevil Forestry 04-04-23
P3008 Sleep: As Important as Diet and Exercise for All Ages Health 03-21-17
P3020 Water You Doing? Wastewater Infographic Water Quality 11-19-24
P2980 Cleanliness: A Guide to Firearm Maintenance 4-H Shooting Sports 04-06-23
P3054 4-H Shooting Sports Leaders: Know Before You Go! 4-H Shooting Sports 10-20-23
P3038 Economic Impacts of the Opening of the Bonnet Carré Spillway on the Mississippi Oyster Fishery Seafood Economics 03-08-17
P3052 Controlling Hardy Hardwoods in Pasture Systems Weed Control for Forages 03-01-17
P3050 Natural Resource Conservation in Agriculture Natural Resources, Environment, Mississippi Land Stewards 11-15-24
P3039 Glycerin-Preserved Foliage Cut Flowers and Houseplants, Floral Design 06-05-23
P3034 Modern Broiler House Heating Systems Poultry 10-02-23
