Bi-Monthly 4-H Memo - Pearl River County
- (Dec. 23–Jan. 1) Extension Office closed for Winter/Christmas Holiday
- 11—4-H LEGO Spike Training, MSU
- 24—Recipe due for Dixie National Crepe Cook-Off
- 25—Release date for It’s A Bug’s Life 4-H Robotic Kick-Off kit
- 28—Junior Sheep Lead Class registration deadline (by 4:00 p.m. in the livestock office)
- TBA 4-H Shooting Sports Sign-up and Safety meetings (watch email and Pearl River County 4-H Facebook page)
- 8—Dixie National Crepe Cook-Off, 10:00 a.m. in the Trade Mart Building at the Mississippi Fairgrounds
If you have questions, call the Pearl River County Extension Service Office at 601-403-2280.
View PDF for full newsletter.