See the Online Horse Judging Contest
Horse Production in Mississippi
The Mississippi horse industry plays a significant role in the state's economy and is a growing segment of Mississippi agriculture. The horse population in Mississippi has been recently estimated at 113,063 with an investment of $877.45 million in horse inventory and operations. In 2006, Mississippi's horse industry contributed about $1.02 billion to the state’s economy and provided about 38,900 jobs. Mississippi has some of the best public equine facilities in the United States, which hosts horse shows and equine activities that bring many people from surrounding states to Mississippi every year.
The Mane Event
The MSU Extension Service is proud to introduce a new informational video series! The Mane Event is a monthly “how-to” video series concerning horse management, nutrition concerns, and training tips. These short, informative videos provide a source of information to all who are interested in horse care, use, and riding.
Mississippi Disease and Disaster Preparedness Program
Do your part to protect the health of Mississippi’s livestock herds. It is very important that Mississippi horse owners move forward as an industry to safeguard the health of our herds. The danger of a contagious disease outbreak in the national horse herd, whether by natural occurrence or terrorist attack, makes it imperative that the location of horse owners and their herds be readily available to animal health officials. Horse owner cooperation is essential for rapid disease response in the instance of a contagious disease outbreak. In the event of an animal health emergency, basic horse owner information will be used to rapidly respond to the emergency to protect your animals and Mississippi’s livestock industries through the Mississippi Board of Animal Health.
- Mississippi Animal Disease and Disaster Preparedness Horse Brochure
- Mississippi Animal Disease and Disaster Preparedness Cattle Brochure
Mississippi Hay and Commodity Feed Source Directories
A Mississippi Hay Directory is now online available to assist Mississippi horse owners in locating hay supplies. The list provided includes information from individuals and businesses who have submitted a Mississippi Hay Directory Listing Submission Form indicating that they have hay for sale. Listings expire after 60 days.
A Mississippi Commodity Feed Source Directory is available online to assist Mississippi livestock producers in locating feed supplies. It is comprised of commodity feed manufacturer, broker, and dealer listings compiled by Mississippi State University Extension Service personnel.
Mississippi State Equine Association
Mississippi's New Horse Council
The Mississippi State Equine Association is a non-profit corporation, representing your voice in the equine industry. It's an organization formed "for the love of horses, and horse people," and is Mississippi's official American Horse Council affiliate.
Mississippi State University Horse Unit
RAYMOND, Miss. -- A large group of agricultural producers and industry professionals met with Mississippi State University personnel during the 2025 Central Mississippi Producer Advisory Council meeting Feb. 18 in Raymond at the Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center. The annual forum provides clients, MSU administrators, researchers, specialists and Extension agents an opportunity to meet in small commodity groups to discuss the research and educational needs of producers in the region.
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Amy Knight has seen her 13-year-old son, Cameron, make substantial strides in his speech and core strength since he began horse riding three years ago.
Success Stories
She knew she wanted to teach even when she was just a kid, but Dr. Molly Nicodemus also realized pretty quickly that she wanted to teach older students at the college level. Now an associate professor in the Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences at Mississippi State University, Nicodemus has embraced a new teaching role with adolescents and teens as a volunteer leader for the Winston County 4-H Horse Club.
In late February, Mississippi State University hosted the 2024 National Floriculture Forum, an annual conference held at different locations around the country.
4-H builds teen's life skills
On first glance, she seems an ordinary teen, but Oktibbeha County 4-H’er Millie Thompson has an exceptional work ethic, and she’s achieved success at the national level. Everything she does is inspired by Ecclesiastes 9:10, she says.