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News From 2015

Mississippi State University Extension Service poultry specialists Morgan Farnell (left) and Tom Tabler are working with representatives from the Mississippi Department of Health to improve conditions at the Mississippi Department of Corrections poultry facility in Parchman, Mississippi. (MSU Ag Communication 2014 file photo)
February 27, 2015 - Filed Under: Poultry

PARCHMAN, Miss. -- A chicken flock at the state’s largest correctional facility is uniting the Mississippi State University Extension Service, Mississippi Department of Health and Mississippi Department of Corrections.

Jeffrey Brown, state medical entomologist with the Mississippi Department of Health, visited the Mississippi State Penitentiary, also known as Parchman Farm, to address a growing fly and mosquito problem. He observed the flight patterns of the flies and determined they were originating from the facility’s egg-producing poultry houses.

Spring gobbler season is just around the corner, so hunters should review safety precautions before heading to the woods. (File photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kat Lawrence)
February 27, 2015 - Filed Under: Environment, Wildlife

By James E. “Jim” Miller
Professor Emeritus, Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture
MSU Extension Service

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- With spring gobbler season quickly approaching, here are some precautions hunters need to remember before they head to the forest.

Late winter in Mississippi sometimes brings both blooms and snow. Daffodils, such as these blooming at Mississippi State University on Feb. 26, 2015, will survive to look pretty once temperatures moderate. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kat Lawrence)
February 27, 2015 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Winter storms make pretty landscapes, but many homeowners wonder what impact the ice and snow will have on plants that already started preparing for spring.

Start seedlings by late February to have transplants ready for planting in the ground on Good Friday. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kat Lawrence)
February 24, 2015 - Filed Under: Vegetable Gardens

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Deep into the winter months, the sunny days of summer seem so far away, but growing a garden doesn’t have to be a warm-weather-only activity in Mississippi.

David Nagel, vegetable and home garden specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said the state’s climate allows some plants to be grown throughout the winter.

“Now is the time to start monitoring soil temperatures and watching weather forecasts,” he said.

Mississippi State University professor Rick Snyder facilitates the discussion with vegetable growers during the Central Mississippi Producer Advisory Council Feb. 17, 2015, in Raymond, Mississippi. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Susan Collins-Smith)
February 24, 2015 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Crops, Farming

RAYMOND, Miss. -- Central Mississippi agriculture producers and industry professionals met with Mississippi State University experts Feb. 17 to provide guidance for 2015 educational programming and research.

More than 120 participants attended the annual Central Mississippi Producer Advisory Council meeting in Raymond to discuss priorities and ideas with the MSU Extension Service and Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station specialists, researchers and agents.

Jason Krutz, an irrigation specialist with Mississippi State University, teaches producers how to use portable soil moisture meters to conserve water while still providing the proper amount of water for plant growth. (File photo by MSU Ag Communications/Bonnie Coblentz)
February 24, 2015 - Filed Under: Irrigation, Water

STONEVILLE, Miss. -- The benefits for conserving water for farmers are the reduction of costs and the retaining of a higher yield, and Mississippi State University is promoting tools to help them achieve that goal.

Jason Krutz, an irrigation expert at the MSU Delta Research and Extension Center, said certain irrigation decisions can benefit the agricultural economy.

February 24, 2015 - Filed Under: Community

Starkville, Miss. -- Beginning March 24, Mississippi State University experts will offer a course designed to help potential business owners plan for success.

The nine-week Kauffman FastTrac NewVenture program will be held Tuesday evenings from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the university’s Franklin Furniture Institute.

The FastTrac NewVenture course, designed to support aspiring entrepreneurs in the early stages of business development, is open to anyone interested in any type of business.

Jane Parish, extension and research professor of animal science with Mississippi State University, and Kipp Brown, area extension associate in Carroll County, visit with Webster County horseman John Fondren at the North Mississippi Research and Extension Center Producer Advisory Council meeting in Verona, Mississippi, on Feb. 19, 2015. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Linda Breazeale)
February 23, 2015 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Crops, Farming, Livestock

VERONA, Miss. -- Agricultural producers from 27 counties and 16 commodity groups in north Mississippi met with Mississippi State University representatives Feb. 19 to discuss research and outreach needs.

When spring fever sets in before winter is over, find a pretty container and create your own combination planting. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
February 23, 2015 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

This past weekend really had me thinking about gardening and landscaping. It was an unseasonal 79 according the thermometer at my house, and I started to putter around the yard, trying to decide what needed to be done to get ready for spring.

Of course, I made a trip to see what plants were on the benches at the local garden center. But by afternoon, I had come to my senses. According to the weather forecasted for this week in much of Mississippi, we haven’t seen the last of winter.

Don Cook, a research entomologist with the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station and the Mississippi State University Extension Service's Delta Research and Extension Center, inspects young corn for early-season insect damage. (File photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kat Lawrence)
February 20, 2015 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Insects-Crop Pests

STONEVILLE, Miss. -- Corn, cotton and soybean producers have to strike a balance between risk prevention and wise spending to achieve good profits each year.

Insects that feed on recently planted crops can substantially reduce yields, but planting seeds pretreated with insecticides is one method of controlling these early-season pest problems.

Mice and other rodents need food and shelter. Human environments can provide both if steps are not taken to exclude the pests from homes and other buildings. (Photo by iStock)
February 20, 2015 - Filed Under: Environment, Nuisance Wildlife and Damage Management

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- “Say your prayers, varmint!”

If you recognize this quote, you know its source: Looney Tunes cartoon character Yosemite Sam, who never got the upper hand in his dealings with Bugs Bunny. Sometimes it seems we -- like Yosemite Sam -- battle with “varmints” that live around us. This column will give you a little insight into why the battle rages and what you can do to get the upper hand.

February 19, 2015 - Filed Under: Family, Health, Nutrition

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- The heart is the most vital organ in the body, and keeping it healthy can mean a better and longer life.

February 18, 2015 - Filed Under: Beef

BILOXI, Miss. -- A national organization dedicated to improving the beef industry will hold its annual meeting on the Mississippi Gulf Coast in June and bring together cattle producers from across the world.

The 2015 Beef Improvement Federation Convention, themed “Rebuilding a Cowherd,” will take place June 9-12 at the Beau Rivage Hotel and Conference Center in Biloxi. The annual conference allows participants to discuss issues involving genetic improvements, new technologies, and management practices to aid profitability in beef production.

Loropetalum is a versatile landscape plant that comes in a variety of sizes, such as these dwarf burgundy-leaved varieties. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman)
February 16, 2015 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

With the cold winter weather upon us, are you thinking about planting annual color for the summer? It’s never too early to plan ahead, and thinking about the beautiful landscape you’ll have in the summer is one way to enjoy the dreary winter months.

One of the reliable summer-color plants I like the most is the petunia, and in my opinion, you can’t go wrong with Supertunias. Their selection of colors allows you to work with any color scheme.

Natasha Haynes
February 16, 2015 - Filed Under: Food and Health

RAYMOND, Miss. -- The Mississippi State University Extension Service recently launched a new video series to help Mississippi families make informed choices about food, nutrition and healthy lifestyles.

“The Food Factor” offers research-based information on topics such as home canning, food safety, emergency preparedness and nutritional science.

Host Natasha Haynes, an Extension food and nutrition educator for 15 years, also provides viewers with healthy recipe ideas and family friendly tips on food preparation.

Jacob Owen, left, and his older brother, Tyler, prepare to enter the arena for the Dixie National Sale of Junior Champions with their market goat, Splits, on Feb. 12, 2015, in Jackson, Mississippi. (Photo by MSU Ag Communications/Kevin Hudson)
February 13, 2015 - Filed Under: Youth Livestock, Youth Projects, Family

JACKSON, Miss. -- Exhibitors in the annual Dixie National Sale of Junior Champions learn important lessons about livestock through their projects, but one family discovered just as much about people.

Tyler Owen, 13, and Jacob Owen, 10, of Jones County qualified to participate in the sale with their reserve champion light heavyweight goat, Splits. Their journey to this coveted sale of market animals began when each was about 5 years old and their parents, Jennifer and Matt Owen of Moselle, encouraged them to show livestock.

Before building a trap, landowners and managers should use whole-kernel, shelled corn to establish bait sites that attract wild hogs. (Photo courtesy of Rob Holtfreter)
February 13, 2015 - Filed Under: Environment, Nuisance Wildlife and Damage Management

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Wild pigs are a growing problem for property owners, land managers and farmers throughout Mississippi. Because of their high reproductive rate, they can be difficult to control.


February 12, 2015 - Filed Under: About Extension, Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Gary Bachman, host of the multimedia series Southern Gardening, began a one-year term as president of the Southern Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science on Feb. 1.

February 12, 2015 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Weed Control for Crops

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Two weed science graduate students from the Mississippi State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences earned top honors at the 2015 Beltwide Cotton Conference held Jan. 5-7 in San Antonio, Texas.

Beltwide, a forum coordinated by the National Cotton Council, is considered one of the best cotton technical conferences worldwide. It is a consortium of 11 concurrent cotton technical conferences.

MSU agronomy doctoral student Chase Samples and agronomy master’s student Andrew Denton placed highly in the conference’s visual display competition.

February 12, 2015 - Filed Under: Green Industry, Greenhouse Tomatoes

RAYMOND, Miss. -- Greenhouse tomato growers and other interested individuals can learn all aspects of production during the 25th annual Greenhouse Tomato Short Course March 3 and 4 in Raymond.

Experts from the tomato industry, the Mississippi State University Extension Service, the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, and Auburn University will present the latest production information.

The workshop will be held at the Eagle Ridge Conference Center at 1500 Raymond Lake Road in Raymond.

