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News From 2016

July 7, 2016 - Filed Under: Agri-tourism

OXFORD, Miss. -- The Mississippi State University Extension Service invites producers to an agritourism marketing workshop scheduled for July 21 and 22 at the Graduate Hotel in Oxford.

Growing Your Brand: Marketing Tools for Mississippi Agritourism and Local Foods will feature workshops on the importance of agritourism in educating the public about state agriculture and offer emerging strategies professionals can use to increase visitor traffic and grow their businesses.

Shrimp boats at rest in the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor in Biloxi, Mississippi, Jan. 25, 2016. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Kevin Hudson)
July 7, 2016 - Filed Under: Seafood Economics

BILOXI, Miss. -- Wild-caught shrimp contribute millions of dollars to Mississippi’s economy each year, and experts say better flavor gives them a competitive advantage over imported and pond-raised shrimp.

Dave Burrage, Mississippi State University Extension Service fisheries specialist, said consumers who participate in blind taste tests tend to prefer the taste of wild-caught Gulf shrimp over that of pond-raised, imported products.

The titan arum’s spathe opens for one day every seven to 10 years. The leafy, petal-like structure, which contains both male and female flowers, emits a strong odor similar to decaying meat to attract the plant’s native pollinators. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Susan Collins-Smith)
July 5, 2016 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

POPLARVILLE, Miss. – A rare tropical plant drew a steady stream of fascinated onlookers to a Mississippi State University research station as it bloomed for the first time on June 30.

The 9-year-old titan arum was nicknamed “Spike” by the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station researchers who care for it. Known scientifically as Amorphophallus titanum, Spike likely will not bloom again for several years.

July 1, 2016 - Filed Under: Natural Resources, Fisheries

STARKVILLE, Miss. – Evidence that people are watching too many zombie shows or movies can be found in the concerns and questions pond owners have for biologists.

Canna lilies are easy landscape plants for Mississippi gardens. This South Pacific Scarlet is a dwarf selection that can reach 4 feet tall. (Photo by MSU Extension/Gary Bachman)
July 1, 2016 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

Lately, I’ve been telling you about some of my favorite go-to plants for Mississippi gardens. The canna lily is another easy landscape plant that I think everyone should have in his or her garden.

Cannas are valued for their large tropical foliage and showy, brilliantly colored flowers.

Deodar weevil damage is easily identified by the wood-chip cocoons the insects make for larvae under the inner bark. Central Mississippi landowners will continue to experience increased pressure from these pests because of extreme drought and an extended fall in 2015. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Susan Collins-Smith)
July 1, 2016 - Filed Under: Natural Resources

RAYMOND, Miss. -- An increase in housing starts in 2015 strengthened Mississippi’s timber industry, and stronger demand for sawtimber products used in construction are helping give the industry a boost this year.

James Henderson, an associate professor of forestry with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said timber ended the year with a total estimated harvest value of almost $1.67 billion.

Gleaners harvest leftover crops and distribute them to the hungry. Volunteers are needed at all steps of the process, from harvesting to distribution. These sweet potatoes were bagged for delivery at Mississippi State University. (File Photo by MSU Extension Service/Kevin Hudson)
June 28, 2016 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Community

JACKSON, Miss. -- An organization ready to harvest and distribute quality food to the hungry always looks for new farms to glean and more hands to help with the work.

The Mississippi Gleaning Network exists to link agricultural endeavors with organizations that distribute food to the needy. It is operated under the Society of St. Andrew, a Christian nonprofit, nationwide organization that supplies the volunteer labor.

Gleaning is an ancient practice in which workers are allowed into a harvested field to gather for themselves the food that is left over.

Mississippi State University plant and soil sciences associate professor Guihong Bi, right, shows tomatoes being grown at a Shandong Shouguang Vegetable Industry Group greenhouse to MSU Extension agents, from left, Emily Carter, Lanette Crocker and Lisa Stewart on June 20, 2016. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Nathan Gregory)
June 28, 2016 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Farming, Agricultural Economics

BEIJING, China -- Expanding Mississippi agriculture requires getting to know potential markets, and a group of Mississippi State University Extension agents is seeing one of the largest in the world firsthand.

June 28, 2016 - Filed Under: Agriculture

BATESVILLE, Miss. -- Farmers can learn about financial management and a new produce safety program during the upcoming Alliance for Sustainable Agricultural Production field day July 15.

The on-farm field day will be at the Cotton Warehouse Farmers Market, located at 550 Highway 6 West in Batesville. Start 2 Finish Community Farms’ Happy Foods Project is co-hosting the event.

The bloom of the Titan arum is an inflorescence, a collection of many individual flowers. This inflorescence is composed of a petal-like structure called a spathe that has a ruffled edge. The spathe surrounds a fleshy central spike called a spadix. Male and female flowers are produced in rings at the base of the spadix. (Photo by MSU Extension/Gary Bachman)
June 27, 2016 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

Most of the time, I write about what I think are great landscape plants for gardeners in Mississippi to try in their landscapes. But this column is a bit different as I’m writing about a plant I don’t recommend for the home gardener.

So I ask your pardon while I turn to my alter ego as a plant nerd.

At the South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station in Poplarville, a very unusual plant is going to bloom shortly. Called a titan arum, this plant originates a long way from Mississippi -- in Indonesia.

To avoid sunburn, young children should wear sunscreen and stay in the shade as much as possible when playing outside. (Photo by MSU Extension/Alexandra Woolbright)
June 27, 2016 - Filed Under: Family, Children and Parenting

STARKVILLE, Miss. – During the summer months, few activities are more appealing than a dip in the pool to escape the heat, but safety must be the top priority.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, toddlers have been known to drown in as little as a bucket of water. Swimming pools can pose the greatest drowning riks to toddlers.

Despite the dangers associated with swimming, the good news is that drowning is preventable.

June 25, 2016 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

The live broadcast has ended. Watch our timelapse footage.

POPLARVILLE, Miss. – Horticulture researchers at the Mississippi State University South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station anticipate the first bloom of the rare titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) will happen soon.

The plant will not likely bloom again for several years.

The first bloom of the rare titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) at the MSU South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station, nicknamed “Spike”  will happen soon, possibly between June 25-30!
June 24, 2016 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

POPLARVILLE, Miss. – Horticulture researchers at the Mississippi State University South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station anticipate the first bloom of the rare titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) will happen soon.

The plant will not likely bloom again for several years.

Copperheads, such as this one, are among the most common venomous snakes in Mississippi. (Photo courtesy of Robert Lewis)
June 24, 2016 - Filed Under: Snakes

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Mississippi residents are not alone in their appreciation of hiking trails and water activities during the hot days of summer. Wildlife, including snakes, are right there with them.

As outdoor recreation picks up, so does water recreation. Where there is water, there will be snakes. There are all different kinds of snakes people encounter in Mississippi. Some are potentially dangerous and others are completely harmless.

Emily Grace Barnette is ready to take this watermelon home from the Starkville Community Market on June 21, 2016. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Linda Breazeale)
June 24, 2016 - Filed Under: Watermelons

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Watermelons need ample water to grow, but rains also contribute to disease pressure, and cloudy skies reduce the melons’ sweet taste.

David Nagel, a horticulturist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said dry conditions hurt the size of melons that were not irrigated, but their flavor should be excellent.

Zinnias provide a good source of energy for adult monarch butterflies and other pollinators, such as native bees and other butterfly species. (Photo by MSU Extension Service/Susan Collins-Smith)
June 24, 2016 - Filed Under: 4-H, Lawn and Garden

JACKSON, Miss. -- Mississippians are stepping in to support dwindling Eastern monarch butterfly populations with a nationwide program aimed at reestablishing their diminishing North American habitat.

Jason Krutz (left), irrigation specialist for the Mississippi State University Extension Service, and Normie Buehring, research professor at the Northeast Mississippi Experiment Station, discuss soybean irrigation at the 2014 North Mississippi Research and Extension Center Agronomic Row Crops Field Day. The biennial event will be Aug. 11, 2016 in Lee County. (File Photo/ MSU Extension Service)
June 23, 2016 - Filed Under: Crops

VERONA, Miss. -- North Mississippi farmers and consultants can learn about the latest row crop research and the potential for using unmanned aircraft systems in crop production during a free field day program in Lee County.

Experts with the Mississippi State University Extension Service and Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station will host the biennial North Mississippi Research and Extension Center Agronomic Row Crops Field Day on Aug. 11 from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

Customers still can find unusual items such as this fuchsia plant (left photo), at The Flower Center in Vicksburg. Bobbie Beard (right), former owner, began the successful horticulture business in her backyard 30 years ago. Her son and daughter-in-law now own the nursery. (Photos by MSU Extension Service/Kevin Hudson)
June 22, 2016 - Filed Under: Women for Agriculture, Commercial Horticulture, Lawn and Garden

VICKSBURG, Miss. -- After raising five children, Bobbie Beard began to concentrate on her second passion -- gardening.

“I’ve been digging in the dirt since I was 7 years old,” said Beard, who lives in Vicksburg. “I’ve always loved plants -- flowers, shrubs, trees. When my kids were grown, I decided it was my turn to do something for myself.”

Instead of keeping the beauty of her garden to herself, Beard decided to share it with others. At age 52, she began what is now The Flower Center Nursery in her own backyard.

June 21, 2016 - Filed Under: Agriculture, Farming, Agricultural Engineering

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- The Mississippi State University Extension Service invites state row crop producers to a seed technology short course to be held Aug. 2-3 at MSU.

Seed Tech 2016: From Bin to Bag will cover techniques in seed cleaning, separating and sorting. There will also be equipment demonstrations and workshops focusing on testing, labeling, intellectual property, legal issues and litigation.

The workshop will offer professional development credit. Commercial applicator recertification courses will be available for seed treatment or demonstration research.

