How far apart should I plant my pecan trees?
Generally, spacing is determined by the age of the tree. Recommended spacing today is to use the square system and plant on a 45 foot center. These trees will have to be thinned by age 20-25 years.
Proper spacing is desirable to eliminate competition for nutrients, moisture, and sunlight. Ideally, the tree limbs should never overlap. At mid-day during the summer, 25-35 percent of the ground should receive sunlight.
RAYMOND, Miss. -- A large group of agricultural producers and industry professionals met with Mississippi State University personnel during the 2025 Central Mississippi Producer Advisory Council meeting Feb. 18 in Raymond at the Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center. The annual forum provides clients, MSU administrators, researchers, specialists and Extension agents an opportunity to meet in small commodity groups to discuss the research and educational needs of producers in the region.
HATTIESBURG, Miss. -- Mississippi blueberry producers have two opportunities to learn more about production of the state’s largest fruit crop. The Mississippi State University Extension Service is hosting an in-person workshop in Hattiesburg and a virtual workshop.
CARRIERE, Miss. -- Muscadine producers can learn more about growing the specialty crop during an upcoming field day. The 2024 Muscadine Field Day will be held Aug. 29 at the Mississippi State University McNeill Research Unit in Carriere.