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4-H Newsletter

Department: MSU Extension- Lowndes County

April News

Due to the COVID-19 concerns, 4-H Congress, Project Achievement Day, 4-H Horse Show, and all other 4-H face to face events/activities are postponed. As we explore other ways to communicate and stay en- gaged, I would like to encourage you all to hang in there with us and lets stay connected until we are able to resume to our regular meeting schedules. Please continue to work on your individual 4-H projects and remember that you should always be prepared.

Robotics Club

Although we are not meeting at this time, there are still opportunities for you stay engaged in robotics. 4-H Robotics invites you to participate in Fun Fri-Yays. You can register to participate at The next zoom meetings are April 24 and May 1 .

Jr. Council Meeting

Our next Jr. Council meeting will be Thursday, April 30th at 5:30 p.m. via zoom. We are looking for youth 4-H ages 10-18 who would like to learn about running a meeting and becoming Ambassadors of Lowndes County. This group will also aid the 4-H agent in community opportunities and events held in the county. If you are interested, please email me at

4-H Horse Art/ Photography/ T-Shirt Design Contests

The objective of the Horse Art, Photography, & T-Shirt Contest is to encourage 4-H members who do not have horses but are interested in horses as well as horse members to be creative and expand their knowledge of horses! Any 4-H member is allowed to participate! All entries are due to the Extension Office by Tuesday, May 28 .

A Note from Your Agent

Hello Everyone. I hope we are all doing well as we continue to navigate through these difficult times. I’m so pleased that many of our clubs are still meeting via zoom or conference calls. As I mentioned earlier, hang in there with us and we will be together again soon. Please stay safe and if there is anything that I can do for you, please let me know.

Have a great month!

Darrell Banks, MSU Extension Agent II 

4-H S.A.F.E.T.Y News

The Lowndes County 4-H S.A.F.E.T.Y program has been at a standstill since the COVID-19 pandemic started. As of right now the MS 4-H State Office has cancelled all activities indefinitely until it is deemed safe to resume group activities and events. With this news we will let everyone know by emails and/or newsletters about upcoming activities and events relating to the 2020 4-H S.A.F.E.T.Y program.

I would like to encourage our 4-H youth to continue practicing at home and staying sharp with your archery and firearm equipment as well as outdoor learning so when things get back to normal you will be prepared!

The National 4-H Shooting Sports has provided a link for youth to watch numerous videos relating to hunting and firearm/archery activities and safety with outdoor learn- ing. You may view that at the following:

4-H Horse News

The 2020 NE Regional MS State 4-H Horse Shows have been cancelled as of this time with the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing etc.. as we learn more about these events being moved/ postponed or cancelled for 2020 in general, we will let everyone know.

We are still going to take entries for the 2020 4-H Horse Art, Photography and T-Shirt Contest. If you would like the rules and regulations, please contact me or Darrell Banks at the Lowndes Extension office or by email and we will get you the proper information. We need all entries to be in the Lowndes E.S. Office by May 28.

Lowndes County Horse Park May 16th (Cancelled) - Plans were in the works to host a Lowndes County Horse Park Open Show for 4-H youth and adults but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the decision was made to postpone this event. Hopefully, we will be able to resume this show later this year and will let everyone know as we get the go ahead. Also, the Horse Arena will be open to those 4-Hers who would like to practice their show/riding techniques as long as the social distancing guidelines that are in place are strictly maintained.

2020 Poultry Chain

The 2020 Poultry Chain is still scheduled for this fall and those 4-Hers that signed up and ordered chicks will pick them up during the 1st –2nd week of
May. (I will contact you when your birds have arrived for pickup)

Plans for our Lowndes County Fair Livestock Show and Poultry Chain Show in August/September (no date has been set yet) are still under way.

4-H Cookout Contest

With the uncertainty of group gatherings and normal events our Lowndes County Cook- out Contest for 4-Hers is also up in the air, but I would like to encourage our youth to start practicing at home during this time and prepare in case we are allowed to host a competition in June or July.

Below is a list of suggestions to practice:

  • Need a Charcoal Grill (no gas)
  • Charcoal/Lighter Fluid
  • Utensils/Clean Pans/Apron
  • Seasonings of choice
  • Meats: Beef - Expensive Steaks, Less Expensive Steak - chuck, round etc. Kabobs, Hamburgers, Pork Chops, Poultry (chicken halves).

I would like to encourage our 4-H youth to stay active and learning during this time and let you know we will all get through this together. Hopefully, we will get back to normal soon and we can start having fun and educational activities again!

Visit our MSU Extension website for COVID-19 information, 4-H and other related information.

Reid Nevins, Extension Agent III/County Coordinator


Germs are all around you. Stay healthy by washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol- based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

485 Tom Rose Raod - Columbus, MS 39701 - Phone: (662) 328-2111 - Fax: (662) 328-8619

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Portrait of Ms. Jatonya Ferrow
Office Associate

Recent Publications

Publication Number: P4002-44
Publication Number: P3716-154
Publication Number: P3716-312
Publication Number: P3716-45
