Powering Local Communities (new)
This new Extension program will share results from our USDA-funded project to expand knowledge of biomass combined heat and power systems and other sources of energy.
Target Audience(s):
Utility companies, CHP facilities, forest products processing facilities, economic development agencies, consulting foresters, professional organizations, elected officials, farmers, and other groups
Participants will:
- Understand the benefits of combined heat and power systems and biomass combined heat and power systems,
- Understand if CHP systems and other energy systems (solar, etc.) would be a good fit for your needs,
- Learn about funding sources available for renewable energy systems and funding for energy efficiency improvements, and
- Increase knowledge about net metering and interconnection rules.
Total Number of Modules or Sessions: 3 or 4
Total Number of Hours for Program Delivery: 2.5
Program Delivery:
- Educational Video (online or DVD)
- Group Discussion
- Numbered Extension Publication
- One-on-One Intervention
- Print or Popular Articles
- Social Media
- Technical Assistance
- Websites other than eXtension
Primary Contact:
Dr. Mary Love Tagert, mlm23@msstate.edu