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Youth Mental Health First Aid

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Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) teaches adults how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth (ages 6-18).
Participants will be required to pay a $23.95 fee for the training. Optional materials can be purchased for an additional charge.

Target Audience(s):

Adults who work or interact with youth (ages 6-18)


Participants will be able to:

  • Describe the purpose of Youth Mental Health First Aid and the role of the First Aider,
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges that may impact youth,
  • Explain the impact of traumatic experiences and the role of resilience on adolescent development,
  • Apply appropriate steps of the YMHFA Action Plan (ALGEE) to crisis and non-crisis situations, and
  • Choose the appropriate methods for self-care following the application of YMHFA in a crisis or non-crisis situation.

Total Number of Modules or Sessions: 1-2

Total Number of Hours for Program Delivery: 6

Program Delivery:

  • Educational Class
  • Educational Video (Online or DVD)
  • Group Discussion
  • Webinar
  • Workshop

Primary Contact:

Bobbie Jo Bensaid,

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