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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
P2910 Lespedeza Control in Maintained Turfgrass Turfgrass and Lawn Management, Weed Control for Lawn and Garden 09-30-22
P2909 Nutsedge Management in Mississippi Sweetpotatoes Sweet Potatoes, Weed Control for Crops 05-04-22
P2907 Extension Advisory Committees: Recruiting & Orienting Members About Extension, Leadership 12-03-24
P0464 4-H Seed Judging Youth Projects 09-18-23
P3671 Product Pricing and Breakeven Concept Agricultural Economics 07-14-21
P2904 Managing Hardwood Stands for Acorn Production Forest Management, Wildlife 11-08-24
P2902 Native Warm-Season Grasses as a Forage in MS: Establishment and Maintenance Costs Forages 09-04-24
P2899 Extension Advisory Committees: An Introduction About Extension, Leadership 01-02-25
IS2015 Biosecurity Measures to Combat Avian Influenza Threat Avian Flu 02-05-20
IS2014 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Biosecurity Checklist Avian Flu 02-05-20
P3847 Transplanting Pecan Trees Nuts, Trees 03-03-25
P3849 Top-work Grafting of Pecan Trees Nuts 12-06-22
P2897 Forage and Manure Analysis Laboratories Forages 07-12-22
P3784 Breast Cancer Health Message Health 10-31-24
P3782 Prostate Cancer Health Message Health 11-21-24
P2895 Hay Quality and How It Affects Your Feeding Program Legumes, Livestock 12-10-24
P2894 LED Bulbs: Much to Offer the Poultry Industry Poultry 02-06-20
P2896 Signs and Symptoms of Emerald Ash Borer Pests, Trees, Forestry 02-25-25
P2892 Selecting and Managing Turfgrass for Shade Turfgrass and Lawn Management 09-30-24
P1868 Protecting Your Private Well: An Environmental Self-Assessment Mississippi Well Owner Network, Rural Water Association, Water Quality 09-02-22
