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Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
P3713 Farm Financial Analysis Series: Balance Sheet Agricultural Economics 11-06-24
P3712 Farm Financial Analysis Series: Ratios to Measure Farm Financial Health Agricultural Economics 11-12-24
P3710 Farm Financial Analysis Series: Cash Flow Statement Agricultural Economics 11-15-24
P3709 Farm Financial Analysis Series: Managing Farm Finances in Turbulent Times Agricultural Economics 11-18-24
P3707 Farm Financial Analysis Series: Income Statement Agricultural Economics 11-25-24
P3714 Working the Horse Show: Scribing for the Judge Equine 01-06-25
P3610 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Lettuce Nutrition 09-27-21
P3611 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Tomatoes Nutrition 05-06-24
P3692 Economic Impact of the Southern Producers Replacement Heifer Sale Agricultural Economics, Livestock 12-10-21
P3689 Keeping Your Livestock Show Animals Healthy: Proper Drug Use Youth Livestock, Animal Health 09-24-21
P3715 Sharks of Mississippi and Alabama Marine Resources 09-24-21
P3609 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Cucumbers Food and Health, Nutrition 12-09-24
P3614 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Backpack Food Programs Food, Nutrition 11-25-24
P3626 Amazon Series Dianthus (Dianthus barbatus) for the Farmer Florist Floral Design 06-03-24
P3685 Salvia for the Mississippi Gardener Commercial Horticulture, Master Gardener, Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens 10-08-24
P3706 Poultry Production in Africa: Impacts of Climate Change Farming, Animal Health, Poultry, Environment 01-06-22
P2336 The Southern House Mosquito and Related Species: Biology and Control Insects-Human Pests, Insects-Pet Pests, Insects, Household Insects, Insect Identification, Pests 09-09-24
P3704 Weed Identification: Red vs. Ivyleaf vs. Entireleaf Morningglory Weed Control 11-04-24
P3703 Weed Identification: Hemp sesbania vs. Northern jointvetch Weed Control 11-04-24
P3679 Herbicide Damage in Tomatoes Commercial Horticulture, Greenhouse Tomatoes, Tomato Pepper and Eggplant 11-11-24
