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Publications Filed Under Commercial Horticulture

Fruit and Nut Review - Blueberries

Fruit and Nut Review - Figs

Fruit and Nut Review - Muscadines

Fruit and Nut Review - Oriental Persimmons

Fruit and Nut Review - Peaches, Nectarines, and Plums

Fruit and Nut Review - Apples and Pears

2020 Mississippi Medallion Plants

Damping-off in Vegetables

Micronutrients in Mississippi Soils and Plant Nutrition

Planning for a New Commercial Vegetable Business

Stock (Matthiola incana) for the Farmer Florist

Economic Evaluation of the Greenhouse Tomato Short Course

Greenhouse Tomato Budgets for Mississippi

Marigolds (Tagetes erecta) for the Farmer Florist

Planning for a New Commercial Vegetable Business
