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Information Sheets

Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
IS0204 Pruning Landscape Plants Flower Gardens, Landscape Architecture, Trees 01-15-19
IS0372 Soil pH and Fertilizers Soils, Soil Testing 01-15-19
IS0643 Wood Ducks In Mississippi Wildlife, Waterfowl 02-11-19
IS0776 Better Planning: Better Meals Food, Health, Nutrition 05-28-24
IS1401 Stress Management Health 06-11-24
IS1407 Leadership - Secretary of an Organization Leadership, Mississippi Homemaker Volunteers 09-29-23
IS1444 Fruit and Nut Review - Blackberries Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Fruit 09-29-23
IS1531 Protect Your Health From Infections Health 06-11-24
IS1601 Did You Know At 1 Month I Can ... Children and Parenting 01-18-19
IS1550 Mycotoxin in Swine Diets Swine 01-18-19
IS1603 Objectives of the Mississippi 4-H S.A.F.E.T.Y. Program 4-H Shooting Sports 04-02-20
IS1604 Did You Know At 3 Months I Can... Children and Parenting 01-23-19
IS1640 Did You Know at 5 Months I Can Children and Parenting 01-23-19
IS1642 Did You Know at 7-8 Months I Can Children and Parenting 01-23-19
IS1641 Did You Know at 6 Months I Can Children and Parenting 01-23-19
IS1697 Children Need Help Coping with Disaster Disaster Response-Youth, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Response, Children and Parenting 10-02-19
IS1608 Fruit and Nut Review Bunch Grapes Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Fruit 01-23-19
IS1657 Algal Leaf Spot of Southern Magnolia Plant Disease and Nematode Diagnostic Services, Trees 06-01-23
IS1726 Disaster Relief: Recovering Small Fruits Fruit, Disaster Response 01-25-19
IS1769 Becoming Physically Active Health 06-11-24
