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Small insects with and without wings are pictured together.
March 25, 2025

Mississippi’s native subterranean termites have started swarming, and these structure-destroying insects will continue to swarm across the state over the next few months.

John Riggins, professor of forest entomology in the Mississippi State University Department of Agricultural Science and Plant Protection, said termites swarm to produce new colonies when the weather warms up, often after a rain.

Lovebug on green leaf with green background
The lovebugs’ enduring bond is seen as a symbol of deep, lasting companionship, making them the perfect representation of love.
February 14, 2025

In honor of Valentine’s Day, let’s talk about love… lovebugs, that is!

January 9, 2025

STONEVILLE, Miss. -- After harvest each year, university research and Extension entomologists from across the Cotton Belt states collect and submit data regarding cotton crop losses from insects.

Success Stories

A woman, flanked by a young man and woman, holds a nameplate listing “E. Ruth Morgan.”
Volume 10 Number 2

Edna Ruth Morgan’s family never would have guessed her chosen career would have been in entomology.

Steven Bell stands beside a truck housing a mosquito sprayer.
Volume 5 Number 3

When most people think of mosquito control, they envision a large chemical tank in the bed of a pickup truck.

Spraying chemicals is actually the last resort in integrated pest management (IPM), a scientific process of preventing invasive insects from reaching adulthood. IPM uses environmentally responsible alternatives, such as habitat removal, structural barriers, and larval control, before using sampling and resistance management to determine treatment plans for adult mosquitoes.

Nine men and women stand in front of a metal building.
Volume 5 Number 2

A dream of the Mississippi Pest Control Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service is coming true after more than 20 years, thanks to a generous donation by one of Mississippi’s oldest pest-control companies.

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