Plant Disease and Nematode Diagnostic Services
- Identification of plant disease problems on samples mailed to the lab or from digital images
- Nematode identification and quantification
- Endophyte testing of fescue
- Management recommendations always provided
- Free nematode testing for Mississippi sweetpotato growers through April 30, 2025
- Free nematode testing for Mississippi soybean producers Effective through March 31, 2026 (or until 500 samples have been submitted to the project).
Methods of Payment:
- Check or money order made payable to MSU-ES Plant Pathology
- Contact the Extension Plant Diagnostic Lab directly for information on how to set up an account with MSU.
Hemp Plant Disease Sample Submission Guidelines
Send samples to:
Shipping Address (FedEx/UPS)
Extension Plant Diagnostic Lab
405 Garrard Road East
Mail Stop 9612
Starkville, MS 39759
Mailing Address (US Postal Service)
Extension Plant Diagnostic Lab
Box 9612
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Physical Address
Extension Plant Pathology Lab
Bost Extension Center
190 Bost North, Rooms 9 and 10
Mississippi State, MS 39762
(662) 325-2146
(662) 325-8336 (Fax)
Plant Disease Sample Submission Form
Tips for Plant Disease Samples:
- Out-of-state samples must be packaged in two sealed plastic bags.
- Select plants or plant parts that are showing the problem but are not dead.
- Wrap samples in dry newspaper or paper towels. DO NOT ADD WATER.
- If sending whole plants, tie a plastic bag around the root/soil ball, or package the root ball separately from the top of the plant.
- Turf: Cut at least a 5 x 5 inch square of turf, including roots, and package in a tightly sealed plastic bag.
- More than one plant problem? Place each problem in its own bag to avoid contaminating the other samples. Label each bag for your reference. All bags can be shipped together in the same box or envelope.
Fill out plant diagnostic form for each sample and ship the form(s) and sample(s) in a padded envelope or sturdy box to the address above.
Tips for Nematode Samples:
- Use nematode bags from your county Extension office, or quart-size sealable plastic bags.
- Fill bags with approximately 1 pint of soil.
- Label each bag for your reference.
- Take soil samples to a depth of 6-8 inches.
- Keep samples cool (do not freeze). Do not expose soil samples to high temperatures or direct sunlight. Do not let the samples dry out (make sure bags are sealed tightly). DO NOT ADD WATER.
Nematode Thresholds:
- Bentgrass Golf Course
- Bermudagrass (Golf Green)
- Corn
- Cotton
- Home Lawn
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Sorghum
- Soybean
- Sweet Potato
- Vegetable Garden
Did you know the Mississippi State University Extension Service has a laboratory that is designated to diagnose plant diseases and nematodes? Yes, it does! Learn how the Mississippi State University Extension Service Plant Diagnostic Laboratory and its scientists protect the crops that provide our food and fiber along with other home and garden crops.
Success Stories
David Fulgham did not hesitate to show his support for the Mississippi State University Extension Service Plant Pathology Diagnostic Lab when his chance came.