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Taking the Reins

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If you have ever wanted to be a vet or wondered what it was like being a vet, you’ll want to hear from Dr. Joe Pluhar.  Joe is a native Texan who, along with his wife Lauren, owns and operates Freedom Equine Performance, a mobile vet service based out of Navasota, TX.  Joe is such a positive person and here he discusses the 4 pillars of his business model, some of the positives and negatives of business ownership, and the life of being a veterinarian.   


Closed captioning can be viewed on Taking the Reins-Mississippi State on YouTube.

Flavio Ribeiro is a “jack of all trades”… horseman, entrepreneur, academic, artist, and salesman, among other things.  His experiences and stories highlight his charisma and enthusiasm for people and horses.  In this episode of TTR, Flavio discusses growing up in Brazil and then coming to the US to pursue a dream of riding and training rope horses. His path to success has allowed him to rub elbows with some big names.  Get ready for some great stories of real-life experiences that will inspire you while giving you a behind the curtain peak into life in the horse industry.     


Closed captioning can be viewed on Taking the Reins-Mississippi State on YouTube.

In this episode of Taking the Reins, Clay and Emily recap some of their favorite moments from episodes 12 through 20.  The highlighted points of these episodes will give your reason to want to go back and listen again…or maybe listen for the first time.  Also, they discuss future episodes and what is coming down the road on Taking the Reins!

So many times I get asked the question, “what makes a horse a good horse?”  And that question isn’t a simple one!  There are complex criteria that make up correct conformation which ultimately should lend to athleticism and performance output.  Ross Roark of Monahans, TX is no stranger to the equine game.  He is a horseman’s horseman, having spent years perfecting his “eye” for quality horses.  With over 150 World Champion titles to his name, you will want to hear what Ross has to say about the equine athlete.  What makes a horse a good horse?  Well, you’ll have to listen to find out.


Closed captioning can be viewed on Taking the Reins-Mississippi State on YouTube.

Do you need encouragement?  Maybe a “pick me up”?  If so, this episode of TTR will help you.  This week we are joined by Amanda Zuniga who works in the horse industry at Zerlotti Genetics in Pleasanton, Texas.  Zerlotti is a reproductive center for equine and Amanda manages the day-to-day activities that help make Zerlotti successful.  But….what is most important is her strong ties to family and the life lessons she has learned through her dad’s commitment to excellence and pride in his work.  It is this strong work ethic and dedication that has made Amanda who she is today and given her the ability to navigate the hurdles she has overcome to become successful in the horse world.  Her candor and honesty make this an episode you won’t want to miss.


Closed captioning can be viewed on Taking the Reins-Mississippi State on YouTube.

Parker Flannery should write a book about his life adventures!  On this episode of TTR, Parker discusses his time playing polo, working in Australia, riding broncs, and packing from New Mexico to Canada along the Great Divide.  His approach to taking what life throws at you with a sense of adventure will both entertain and inspire you.  Cowboy and Horseman, Thrill-Seeker and Entrepreneur, Parker is a one-of-a-kind person that you won’t want to miss on this episode of Taking the Reins!


Facebook: Flannery Performance Prospects


Closed captioning can be viewed on Taking the Reins-Mississippi State on YouTube.

Ever find it challenging to purchase horse feed (including hay) that you are both comfortable with quality wise and that won’t break your bank?  On this episode of TTR, Clay discusses this matter with Dr. Dennis Sigler.  Dr. Sigler is a life-long horseman, showman, and professional judge who knows the ins and outs of the horse world.  He has spent his career in both academia, providing research that focused on the nutritional well-being of the equine athlete, and in the industry as a feed consultant and director of sales for Martindale Feed Mill in Valley View, TX.  Listening to this discussion will help you in your day-to-day management of feeding horses and may enlighten you on some things that you need to address.  Either way, you will walk away more confident in the strategy you choose in making sure your horses look and feel their best!


Short Extension paper on Body Condition Scoring:  Body Condition Scoring System Benefits for Horses and Owners | Mississippi State University Extension Service (


Closed captioning can be viewed on Taking the Reins-Mississippi State on YouTube.


In this episode of TTR, Clay explores the idea of hobbies beyond horses and just how those hobbies may be better mastered through application of horse training ideas and theories.  Clay is joined by Todd Martin and Luca Holloway. By profession, Todd is a reining horse trainer and Luca is a farrier, both residing in Texas.  However, they all 3 share a common love of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.  The talk gets deep into application of training theory and life lessons learned on the mat and in the arena.  If you listen, you may just be inspired to try a new hobby...possibly even jiu jitsu!


Closed captioning can be viewed on Taking the Reins-Mississippi State on YouTube.

If you own and ride horses, buying and keeping saddles in working order is essential to both the comfort of horse and rider. Calvin Waters is a saddle maker and leather worker.  He owns and operates Calvin Waters Saddlery in Troy, TX.  In this episode of TTR, Calvin and Clay discuss why saddles can cost so much, along with some of the points of proper fit.  Calvin is an interesting guy and the quintessential Texas cowboy.  You’ll enjoy hearing his perspective on the horse business, running his own business, and building custom saddles.


Closed captioning can be viewed on Taking the Reins-Mississippi State on YouTube.

Warwick Schiller is a horseman with years of experience communicating with and training horses both in the show arena and beyond.  His approach to horsemanship has received international acclaim and garnered the attention of thousands of people who have been to his clinics.  Along with this, he has developed and maintained a successful podcast (Journey On podcast) and social media presence that gives insight to horse owners of all experience levels.  In this episode you will hear Warwick’s approach to the mental side of understanding horses and enjoy listening to his experiences with his own journey. 


Closed captioning can be viewed on Taking the Reins-Mississippi State on YouTube.

Podcast: The Journey On Podcast

Facebook: Warwick Schiller Attuned Horsemanship
