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Irrigation FAQs

How much yield benefit do we get from irrigation in Mississippi?

Any yield response depends on the management and timeliness of the irrigation. The following table displays accepted yield data for the major irrigated crops in Mississippi.

Accepted Yield Responses By Crop

Cotton 180 pounds of lint
Corn 50 to 180 (Average MS Yield is 90 bushels.)
Soybeans 15 bushels.
Grain Sorghum No good data.


How much water does it take for different irrigation systems?

Furrow--A minimum of 10 GPM per acre.

Flood--(Rice), 15-20 GPM per acre.

Border--A minimum of 10 GPM per acre.

Center Pivots--A minumum of 4.5 GPM per acre to put out a gross of 1 inch in 4 days.
(Many producers are upsizing to put out an inch in 3 days or 6.25 GPM per acre).

Towable Privots and Traveling Guns--A minumum of 5 GPM per acre total to by irrigated.

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How many acres of Mississippi crops are irrigated?

(This will vary from year to year)

Cotton 300,000 acres
Soybeans 350,000 acres
Corn 200,000 acres
Rice 250,000 acres
Other Crops 100,000 acres


When do you start to irrigate?

When you feel like an inch of rain would do some good and when soil moisture in the root profile reaches 50 percent depletion.

The critical stages for the different crops are:


Cotton Beginning bloom
Corn Eight leaf stage and very critical at tassel and silk
Soybeans Beginning bloom
Grain Sorghum Boot stage
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A metal spray system stands in a corn field.
Filed Under: Irrigation February 25, 2025

Water management specialists with Mississippi State University have extensive advice for those implementing different irrigation techniques, but they all agree that using soil moisture sensors is the best way to irrigate.

Irrigation watering system in a garden
Filed Under: Irrigation, Vegetable Gardens August 15, 2024

If there’s one thing that’s important in gardening, it’s proper watering. Vegetable gardens need about 1 inch of water each week.

Adults do paperwork at tables.
Filed Under: Master Irrigator, Irrigation May 7, 2024

The Mississippi State University Extension Service is taking irrigation education a step further than before by offering Master Irrigator status to those who complete a course of training.

There is no cost to growers to participate in this training, which includes eight hours of online classes and 16 hours of in-person training. Drew Gholson, MSU Extension irrigation specialist and coordinator of the National Center for Alluvial Aquifer Research, said the goal is for participants to put into practice the skills acquired in the program.

Success Stories

A man stands in a wooden shed holding parts to a soil sensor system.
Volume 8 Number 2

Brian Andrus irrigated exactly zero times on his Sunflower County farm in 2021. He didn’t even turn on his well.


A man standing in a soybean field.
Volume 2 Number 3

Delta soybean producer irrigates his fields, increases yields

Most of the Delta is already irrigated, but not all farmers are taking advantage of the latest irrigation technologies. However, agents with the Mississippi State University Extension Service are increasing Delta producers’ knowledge— and application—of new, more efficient ways to water the rows.

Harvesting machine in a rice field.
Volume 2 Number 1

Delta farmer Travis Satterfield reflects on 40+ years in the fields

The price of rice hasn’t increased much since Travis Satterfield of Benoit began growing it in 1974, but nearly everything else in the world of production agriculture has changed.

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Your Extension Experts

Portrait of Dr. Drew Miller Gholson
Asst Professor & Coord, NCAAR
Portrait of Dr. Mary L. Tagert
Associate Extension Professor