Mississippi 4-H Idol
Contest Rules
- Age: 8–18 as of January 1, 2022. All members of a group performance must meet the age requirements.
- Junior Division: 8–13
- Senior Division: 14–18
- The performance may not exceed 4 minutes. Contestants will be disqualified if they go over this time limit.
- If an accompanist is needed, the contestant must make these arrangements. Vocalists may use a CD or cell phone for accompaniment, but it may not have vocals on it. Tracks containing voices are not allowed.
- Contestants must bring their own special equipment, props, etc. Contestants must be able to carry their props on stage. Microphones and a sound system will be provided.
- Pre-recorded music must be submitted on a CD containing only the cut of music used for the talent performance. 4-H nor its contractors will be responsible for cueing music on CDs with multiple tracks. Tracks containing voices are not allowed.
- Chosen songs must contain appropriate lyrics; no lewd or inappropriate language. Any performance containing inappropriate language will result in immediate disqualification from the competition.
- Contestants will be judged by a committee. This committee will determine which contestants qualify to participate in the state contest.
- Judging will be on the following basis:
- Appropriate costume or dress – 10 points
- Showmanship – 20 points
- Talent – 70 points
Find Your Spark. Illuminate 4-H.
Audition For 4-H Idol.
Saturday, May 14, 1–4 p.m., Mississippi State Fairgrounds, Jackson
Sunday, May 15, 2–5 p.m., South Beach Hotel, Biloxi
Saturday, May 21, 1–4 p.m., B.B. King Museum, Indianola
Sunday, May 22, 2–5 p.m., Elvis Presley Birthplace, Tupelo
High-point senior performers will be invited to perform Thursday, June 2, 2022, at Mississippi State University during State 4-H Congress and may be asked to perform at other events, as well.
For more information or to register, contact the MSU Extension Center for 4-H Youth Development at (662) 325-3350 or (662) 539-1733.
Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity institution. For disability accommodation, contact Debra Lloyd at dpl4@msstate.edu.
RAYMOND, Miss. -- A team of Union County 4-H members recently achieved a feat that has not been accomplished in 20 years for Mississippi competitors of the youth development organization’s national scholarly contests. The Quiz Bowl Team, made up of Maddie Willard, Abby Grant, Levi Thompson and Karley Harrison, is one of just a few teams in the state to ever earn an undefeated first-place win in the Western National 4-H Roundup Horse Bowl competition.
January and February are busy times for our 4-H’ers, especially those participating in livestock!
Success Stories
Fenton Pope looked around his native Covington County a quarter-century ago and saw what he believed was an alarming amount of farmland out of production.
Known around Cleveland, Mississippi as “The Rose Lady,” Jane Dunlap marked 30 years as a Master Gardener in 2024, but her home county lacked its own chapter for the first half of that span.
When Larry Alexander was inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame last October, the honor was based on a career spent investing in young people and supporting an organization that helps kids become the best possible versions of themselves.